Mission Statement

Coolum Beach Christian College has a mission to deliver exceptional Christian education with excellence, igniting a passion for learning and inspiring students to achieve their full potential.


Our Vision

We believe together, we can build a better world.

We see a world
Where families of all shapes and sizes are coming together in community;
A world where children experience family and Christian values;
A world where families see life as an adventure that integrates educational, social, spiritual and cultural contexts.
We see a world where children learn they are valued, but also learn to value others;
A world where the wonder of God’s creation comes to life as we journey together
And children are engaged, challenged and supported.

We see a College
That celebrates the uniqueness of every child, but even more the richness of strong friendships and collaboration;
A College that inspires children and their families, to dream and then supports them to achieve their dreams;
A College where every child can learn and love learning.
We see a College where children journey through life together, sharing their trials and their triumphs;
A College that loves God and the blessings He has invested into each of us through our diverse personalities and talents.

We see a future
That is built on strong leaders in all capacities … who are maturing in our school right now;
A future where people feel they belong and can actively make a difference in their community whether local or global;
A future that our children are passionate about, hope for and anticipate with enthusiasm.
We see a future where we are loving life and learning together;
A future where the journey has been just as exciting as the destination.