Senior School
‘The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.’ – Eleanor Roosevelt
Senior school is an important stage in every students’ life as they embark on the final phase of school through years 11 and 12. They will encounter a range of new learning, work and life experiences that will continue to shape their future. At Coolum Beach Christian College we value critical thinking and want our students to reach beyond the comfortable, with courage and confidence to pursue their dreams. We are committed to providing support and guidance to students as they make decisions for their future while continuing to grow into strong, resilient and compassionate members of our society.
Our dedicated staff at CBCC assist our senior students to match their individual skills, interests, motivations and strengths with the job market, as well as to set their personal career goals. Subjects are selected with support from our staff to attain the students’ future goals. Innovative educational structures to assist student achievement have been introduced to our senior curriculum. Each student is taken through an online careers program and develop a professional career portfolio. We provide flexible choices of study options that lead towards an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) pathway, opportunities to study university level subjects, work placement opportunities and School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships. Students at CBCC learn how to think for themselves and love learning and not just memorise, therefore they can approach any challenge with assuredness and maturity.
All Senior students at Coolum Beach Christian College are registered with the Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority to monitor their completion of the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). This opens an online learning account with the QCAA, which allows students to bank credits towards the QCE throughout the Senior Phase of Learning.
Students are encouraged to excel in their studies as they work towards their QCE and may choose from a wide variety of subjects which include: English, Mathematics, Health and Physical Education, Christian Life Studies, Visual Art, Hospitality, Business, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Modern History, Drama, Information & Communication Technologies, Aquatic Practices and a language other than English.
Each year level has a core teacher who supports the spiritual, pastoral and cultural lives of our students. Student and teacher relationships are fostered through this unique aspect of our College. Each student has daily contact with their core teacher at the beginning of each day during discussion and devotional time.
Our seniors are encouraged and expected to become active participants in their own educational journey. The changing cultural, social and economic world in which students live requires them to develop a sense of their own self worth, and build values on which to draw from in their decision making to achieve a satisfying and rewarding future.
Parent Resources from the QCAA:
A comparison of the current and new QCE systems
The new QCE system: Popular Q&A’s
12 Slide Presentation on the new QCE system