At Coolum Beach Christian College we believe that education should be exciting, and create a passion in our students for lifelong learning. Our goal for the students at our College is that they become critical and compassionate thinkers, able to communicate well, and make informed decisions while being equipped with the skills they will need to continue to learn throughout their lifetime.
Our unique and innovative curriculum has been designed so our students are provided with a comprehensive and balanced learning framework that introduces them to the major areas of human knowledge. Our programs are aligned with the National Curriculum and we endorse the Melbourne Declaration of Educational Goals for Young Australians. At CBCC we use an inquiry-based format in our units of study that invites students to be part of the learning process and creates a purpose for their learning. Inquiry based learning strategies develop deep knowledge that will enable students to create new ideas and translate them into practical applications. Our Whole School Curriculum Organiser is organised around major big ideas and enduring themes that occur in the various curriculum documents across year levels that are essential themes in the Australian Curriculum. The Organiser starts with the Foundation Year, examining ideas and asking questions that relate to the child and then builds as the child develops and the focus moves from the individual to their family, community, society, country and then their world. In Secondary School the themes and understandings become increasingly more sophisticated, as students examine purpose, identity, and legacy.
The Organiser enables us to make cross curriculum links and integrate learning where possible and appropriate. It also directs learners to ask questions which is linked to our Inquiry Learning focus. Linking students learning to the real world creates successful learning, confident and creative individuals and informed citizens. At our College students can be involved in digging up historical relics, developing a solar efficient resource, creating museum displays, performing soapbox raps, inventing a digital life form, and investigating a crime scene. Through our curriculum we are preparing students to think well and live deliberately.