‘You’re off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so…get on your way!’ – Dr Seuss
At Coolum Beach Christian College our Prep year facilitates the essential experiences necessary for children to grow in a loving environment that is surrounded by a close-knit College community. Our Prep program has been designed to welcome and settle students into our College and lay the early learning foundations that are crucial to their future schooling journey. Based on current research, we acknowledge that children who participate in quality early education are more likely to make successful transitions to other stages of learning.
Prep is part of our ‘School Adventurers’ phase. Our dedicated and experienced staff prepare students for school life by providing them with a range of diverse, exciting and essential learning experiences that focus on basic literacy, numeracy, social and physical skills. Preps also take part in language, library, music and sport specialist lessons. We feel that it is essential to encourage our students to be active thinkers using their five senses to make enquiries, become investigators and clever problem solvers. Being able to make positive choices, use their imagination and creativity, become responsible individuals and to learn independence are some areas that have influenced our wonderful Prep program.
At Coolum Beach Christian College we are very proud of our beautiful Prep facilities. Together with experts in Early Childhood education, we have developed a high quality learning program in a natural environment that is unique and provides great opportunities for young children’s learning adventures. Outdoor learning and exploration is a crucial component of our Prep program and therefore the outside play space has been designed to enhance all areas of physical development and lots of laughter! It features a rolling hill for vestibular stimulation, a climbing frame and playground, wet play area which includes a spray fountain, splash pool, sensory mud pit and a dry sand pit, all surrounded by beautiful gardens.
Prep is a place of wonder, where the students’ imaginations are engaged in discovering the workings of the world around them.
‘Our classroom is a safe place where children feel happy and we speak kindly to each other, listen to each other and respect each other. It is a place where each student and parents are valued and where positive partnerships are nurtured. It is a place where not only the students are engaged in learning, but where the teacher is learning too.’ – CBCC Prep Teacher