Connected Learning

“Alone I am one mind
Together we are many thoughts
Alone I put myself down
Together we hold each other up
Alone I am one voice
Together we are a choir
Alone I have limited strength
Together we are Samson”
-G Powell

Transformational Education
At Coolum Beach Christian College, community and collaboration are key values and are seen as essential components of an effective and professional learning environment. We know that schools are communities for learning and that good learning happens when we collaborate or work together. The way we have chosen to harness and maximise collaboration is through our Connected Learning or Collaborative Learning Teams.

What Does Learning Look Like at CBCC?
Connected Learning is a pedagogical structure of how we work as a teaching staff. A teaching team is usually two teachers sharing a group of students. These teams are research based and ensure a rich diversity of interactions beyond the capacity of the individual teacher. Our Connected learning spaces allow for reflection and creativity as teaching teams support differences, work to strengths, provide care, and share resources. Not only does Connecting enable our professional environment to flourish but most importantly our students benefit from a range of gifts and different personalities as teachers collaborate or share teaching moments. Connected learning also provides more of an opportunity, and an ideal environment for teachers to conduct Geoff Masters’ ‘Just in Time learning’. Just in Time learning is a teaching structure that involves working with students individually or in groups at their point of revealed learning need. The best way to understand Connected Learning and to witness our unique Flexible Learning Spaces in action is to book a tour of the College. We’d love to show you our distinctive learning environment.

Flexible Learning Spaces at CBCC
A flexible classroom environment is a classroom space that has been thoughtfully constructed to provide the best learning opportunities for all students. In a flexible classroom, the design of the classroom, the furniture, the way the space is utilised and the pedagogy in the classroom all aim to facilitate optimal learning conditions.